Young athletes need to spend a portion of their year focusing on their body. The off season is critical to the overall success of the athlete. In this post you will see how to divide off season training into distinct phases.
In the video clip below Angleo Gingerelli, Seton Hall Strength and Conditioning Coach, discusses the need for off season training as well as how he divides the off season into three phases. The clip is from a Glazier Athletic Performance Clinic.
Coach Gingerelli begins by stating how important training is for young athletes. He believes that athletes must continue to train through certain events/competitions. He also believes that it is important to declare an off season or a time of the year where their focus is on improving their bodies. He points out that not every “Body” is suited for year around competition and that while skill development is important, there is no substitute for bigger, faster stronger.
Here is a summary of Coach Gingerelli’s 3 Phases of Off Season Training and the emphasis in each phase:
Phase 1 – Basics
- Flexibility and Range of motion
- Body Weight Control (push-up, pull-ups, body weight squats etc..)
- Balance, Posture and Biomechanics of basic body movements
- Core Development
- Work Capacity
- Being comfortable being uncomfortable
Phase 2 Weight Room Basics
- Squats
- Bench
- Deadlift (variations)
- Shrugs
- Overhead Press (limited and must be done properly)
Phase 3
- Plyometrics
- Olympic Lifts
- Single Leg and Single Arm Movements
- Maximum Effort Sets
- Complexes, Supersets, Circuits
This clip is just a portion of Coach Gingerelli’s presentation. For information about how to gain access to the rest of his presentation as well as hundreds of other clinic presentation click the link Glazier Athletic Performance Clinic
The YouTube video below has audio, so please make sure that your volume is turned up and that you have access to the site. Note that some schools block access to YouTube.