We train our athletes to help them perform better. We try to make them stronger and faster. We strive to increase their explosiveness and improve their agility. Improvement in these areas will, without doubt, improve their performances. However, improving performance cannot be our only goal. The training that you provide should also help to reduce injuries. A good strength and conditioning coach designs his/her program with a good amount of prehab or injury prevention exercises included.
In the clip below former Maryland Strength and Conditioning Coach, Barry Kagan (C.S.C.S., L.M.T., R.N.) demonstrates 5 different exercises that he uses for prehab. Coach Kagan earned a Master’s Certification from the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association and has used his training to develop a DVD designed to prevent injuries. For more information about the DVD that this clip came from click the link Sport Performance Preparation: Injury Prevention – 100 Prehab Drills to Keep Athletes in the Game
The YouTube video below has sound, so please make sure that your sound is turned on and that you have access to the site. Some schools block access to YouTube.
The following is a brief recap of Coach Kagan’s exercises:
1. Pilates Style Crunch – Roll the tailbone up. Suck in the gut. Arms behind the neck. Abdomen should not move up and down when crunching up
2. Lateral Hip Drive – Starting in side plank position with l elbow on the ground, drive the hips up. Hold the position and move the free arm in all direction to force the core and shoulder to stabilize
3. Bicycle Crunch on a Stability Ball – Bring knees to opposite elbows. Go slow
4. Leg Throw Down – push the athletes legs down as the resist. Push in all directions. Be careful make sure the athlete can handle this exercise.
5. Leg Throw Down with a Hip Up – Same exercise, except when the athlete brings their legs up have them lift their hips up before pushing legs back down.