Regardless of the sport, an athlete can greatly enhance their performance if they can improve their ability to generate power and explosion. In the video clip below Gary Calcagno, Oklahoma State Wrestling Strength and Conditioning Coach;Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist; a certified Level I, Level II, and Sports Performance Coach through USA Weightlifting; shows you the basics of two similar exercises that he uses to improve an athletes triple extension and ultimately their power and explosiveness.
The two exercises are the Hang Clean Grip Jump Shrug and Snatch Grip Hang Clean. The focus of both are to the extension of the ankle, knee and hip. The two differ only in the grip. The hang clean grip should be about shoulder width, while the snatch grip should be approximately two inches outside the rings.
The key coaching points for both Jump Shrugs are as follows;
1. Feet hip width apart
2. Hips should be hinged
3. Butt back
4. Chest up and out over the bar
5. Small amount of knee bend
6. Back flat
7. Look straight ahead (approx. six feet)
8. Arms tight
9. Elbows rolled
10. Knuckles down
11. jump straight up.
12. keep the bar close to the body
13. Don’t go back
14. Use hips not arms
15. Feel the bar “picking you up”
The video is just a sample from Coach Calcagno’s Instructional DVD. For more information about the DVD click the link Training for Power and Explosiveness. Coach Calcagno shares six different series of movements (with over 40 exercises) that are the core of his program. The lifts cover:
lifts for the core including Cleans, Snatches and Combination lifts
lifts for chest and arms
lifts for leg strength
plyometric exercises
The YouTube video below has sound, so please make sure that your sound is turned on and that you have access to the site. Some schools block access to YouTube